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Our ministries are important for growth. A large group worship service might be great, but it’s in smaller groups that you make friends, learn more acutely, and have pointed conversations about life. Being a part of a small group is part of being a disciple of Christ.


Children are important at Evangel. We have ministry for all different ages.

There is Sunday School for children at 9:30 AM, and Children’s Worship up to grade 6 during worship service times at 11:00 AM.


Grades 7-12 are a great, fun, and big development time of life! We have Re-Genesis Youth Fellowship on Friday nights (except the last one each month) from 7:30PM-9:30PM. Sometimes it is held at church, sometimes we do events in the community. Email to get detailed information for each Friday. The purpose is to provide a fun, safe place to grow friendships and learn about the Christian life and worship. Youth are part of our Sunday worship service. Our service has a “young” feel, where we feel it is important that teens can feel at home to worship God.  


University is such a great time of life. It’s a time of learning, naturally. It’s also a time for friends and for fun. During this entry into adulthood you begin setting the direction for the rest of your life – including what you think about God, and how important God is for you. Our university-aged group meets weekly for study, service, worship, or fun together. New friends are always welcome! Email us for details.


We have various small groups that meet regularly for different age groups. Small groups allow people to make friends and go deeper as they discuss life and faith together. Groups meet at different times during the week. Inquire for more information.

Community & Global Service

We have various service projects in the city and globally throughout the year. Serving others is essential for growing spiritually.

Serving with Hope Mission, Food Bank drives, enlistment for Compassion Canada are a few. Globally, we have had mission trips across Canada and to Cuba, China, and Central America in recent years, and have given funds to support different agencies and relief efforts.